8 maart 2011

Gossip Girl, The *itch Is Back

Since my parents grounded me for 4 WEEKS!!! I started to watch the first season of Gossip Girl again. Gossip Girl is my favorite TV show because of the clothes, the drama and the actors. I'm already on season 4 right now, but while I have to wait for a new episode to come out, I just watched some old episodes again.
Gossip Girl is one of the most popular TV shows in the US right now, especially teens love it. It revolves around the lives of rich adults on Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City.
The thing I love the most about Gossip Girl are the clothes, especially Serena's a.k.a. Blake Lively. Like I mentioned in my last blog post (CHANEL) is that I love Blake Lively combined with clothes, in this TV show she always looks very fashionable and hot. I also love that it's filmed in New York, it makes everything even better and bigger! I can understand if people think that the drama is too much and too unrealistic but I like that about it because it's something different than our daily life!
So if you're also grounded o
r if I convinced you, you should definitely start watching Gossip Girl!xx

You know you love me, xoxo
Flo Demaeght

1 maart 2011


1. a person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing professionally, especially suits and men's clothing.
2. a fashion blog by Scott Schuman.

Scott Schuman is a fashion photographer, blogger (the sartorialist) and carries a digital camera around the streets in New York taking pictures of people who are dressed in some way that catches his eye and then posts them to his blog.
He tries to imitate how fashion designers look at what's on the streets (fashion wise) and how they come up whit their ideas.
"I thought I could shoot people on the street the way designers looked at people, and get and give inspiration to lots of people in the process. My only strategy when I began. The Sartorialist was to try and shoot style in a way that I knew most designers hunted for inspiration."
The Sartorialist is one of the best fashion blogs today and is even ranked number by Signature9.
Here's the link if you want to check it out (http://thesartorialist.blogspot.com/), i swear it will be worth it!xx

I'm pretty good at the sex. And pretty good at picture taking. That's about it.
Flo Demaeght

23 februari 2011


Technology is taking over our lives. Even fashion is now going all high-tech.
Last Tuesday, during fashion week in London, Burberry staged the world's first ever global 3D fashion show. It was also streaming in 5 other fashion-capitals around the world (Tokyo, Dubai, New York, L.A. & Paris).
It turned out that the fashion show was a success even though the models weren't walking through the crowd but were seen on a 3D video.
But was it also a success from a commercial standpoint? The answer is YES! Not only did Burberry stage a 3D fashion show they also tried out new tech that not only enabled more people to see the collection, but also buy it. "Major pieces from the collection started selling immediately after the show on the company's web site; buyers won't have to wait the 6 months for the clothes to hit stores to get them in their hands."
Fashion in 3D is a start of something BIG! xx

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."

17 februari 2011

Maroon 5 Love!

Q: What do you think of when you hear Maroon 5?
A: One of the greatest pop/rock groups alive!

You may know Maroon 5 from their popular songs 'She will be loved' or 'Misery' and many more. But recently they released a new song called 'Never gonna leave this bed' from their newest album 'Hands all over'. It's one of my favorite songs right now and on repeat all the time!
Not only do I love Maroon 5 for their talent but also because the lead singer Adam Levine is pretty hot, if you want to know what he looks like you can watch their new music video, 'Never gonna leave this bed'. Have fun! xx

I'm never gonna leave this bed,

14 februari 2011

Seventeen Magazine

For those of you that don't know what Seventeen is, this blog post is a MUST to read.
Seventeen is a magazine for teenage girls (just like me!) that writes about fashion, gossip, TV, and so much more typical teenage topics.
I wanted to tell you guys more about this magazine because I just subscribed to it and hopefully ill get my first issue soon. I read my first Seventeen issue when I moved Naperville, Illinois 3 years ago. I loved it so much that I also subscribed to it back then but it canceled when I had to move back to Belgium :(.
Because I miss it a lot I decided to sub
scribe again. :)
I know that not everyone wants to spend money on magazines, and that's why seventeen came up with a solution... They created a website (w
ww.seventeen.com) that is almost as good as the magazine it self. You can read articles on it, do fun quizzes, play games and so much more.
So if I were you, I would che
ck it out very soon... xx

Fashions fade, style is eternal,


30 januari 2011


Easy A is one of my favorite movies, with one of my favorite actresses.
The movie is about a girl, Olive, that after a little white lie about losing her virginity her life becomes similar like Hester Prynne's life in The Scarlett Letter. As an act of rebellion she sews the letter A on her risque pieces of clothes just like Hester had to do in the Scarlett letter as symbol for adultery. By doing this she makes everything worse and she finds out that living a little lie is harder than she thought it would be...
This movie is based on The Scarlett letter but in a modern way. It's really funny, mostly because of Emma Stone who plays Olive and her sarcastic comments. Emma Stone did a really good job in this movie and brought Olive to life, I don't think anyone could have done it better.
I hope you're all at least considering to see this movie, I ensure you that it is worth it! xx

Let's NOT and say we DID.


23 januari 2011


Not many people know this about me but.... I LOVE CHANEL!
So when I have nothing else to do, I just go search on the web for a Chanel update and today I found out that Blake Lively (a.k.a. Serena in Gossip Girl) is Karl Lagerfeld's new muse and also the new face of Chanel's Mademoiselle handbag line.
My personal opinion is that Karl definitely made the right choice,
I'm so excited to see her new adds when they come out... But in the mean while, here's a photo of Karl Lagerfeld with Blake Lively. xx

She’s (Blake Lively) a kind of American dream girl. I think she will become a great actress… She’s full of life


3 March:
Here are the adds we all waited so long for! I loooooove them!

17 januari 2011


Fated To Be Hated is a blog about fashion. I have been following it for a while now, and I recommend you to do this too. What I love about this blog is first of all Bebe Zeva's style, it's contemporary with a hint of vintage. Most of her outfits are black, and that is something I can relate too. Not only is she very fashionable, she's also a good photographer. SO I guess you can call her blog a fashion/photography blog. There are so many reasons why I love this blog, but in stead of wasting your time with reading this blog-post, you should look for yourself. Bet that you'll love it too? xx


Everything is infinite,