14 februari 2011

Seventeen Magazine

For those of you that don't know what Seventeen is, this blog post is a MUST to read.
Seventeen is a magazine for teenage girls (just like me!) that writes about fashion, gossip, TV, and so much more typical teenage topics.
I wanted to tell you guys more about this magazine because I just subscribed to it and hopefully ill get my first issue soon. I read my first Seventeen issue when I moved Naperville, Illinois 3 years ago. I loved it so much that I also subscribed to it back then but it canceled when I had to move back to Belgium :(.
Because I miss it a lot I decided to sub
scribe again. :)
I know that not everyone wants to spend money on magazines, and that's why seventeen came up with a solution... They created a website (w
ww.seventeen.com) that is almost as good as the magazine it self. You can read articles on it, do fun quizzes, play games and so much more.
So if I were you, I would che
ck it out very soon... xx

Fashions fade, style is eternal,


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