30 januari 2011


Easy A is one of my favorite movies, with one of my favorite actresses.
The movie is about a girl, Olive, that after a little white lie about losing her virginity her life becomes similar like Hester Prynne's life in The Scarlett Letter. As an act of rebellion she sews the letter A on her risque pieces of clothes just like Hester had to do in the Scarlett letter as symbol for adultery. By doing this she makes everything worse and she finds out that living a little lie is harder than she thought it would be...
This movie is based on The Scarlett letter but in a modern way. It's really funny, mostly because of Emma Stone who plays Olive and her sarcastic comments. Emma Stone did a really good job in this movie and brought Olive to life, I don't think anyone could have done it better.
I hope you're all at least considering to see this movie, I ensure you that it is worth it! xx

Let's NOT and say we DID.


1 opmerking:

  1. E.

    I'm sorry, Flo, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you an E for this: you haven't written anything in two weeks. What you write is OK, though.

    You say you're interested in fashion. If you don't know what to write about, have a look at Scott Schuman's blog:

    You can listen to an interview with him here:
