23 februari 2011


Technology is taking over our lives. Even fashion is now going all high-tech.
Last Tuesday, during fashion week in London, Burberry staged the world's first ever global 3D fashion show. It was also streaming in 5 other fashion-capitals around the world (Tokyo, Dubai, New York, L.A. & Paris).
It turned out that the fashion show was a success even though the models weren't walking through the crowd but were seen on a 3D video.
But was it also a success from a commercial standpoint? The answer is YES! Not only did Burberry stage a 3D fashion show they also tried out new tech that not only enabled more people to see the collection, but also buy it. "Major pieces from the collection started selling immediately after the show on the company's web site; buyers won't have to wait the 6 months for the clothes to hit stores to get them in their hands."
Fashion in 3D is a start of something BIG! xx

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening."

17 februari 2011

Maroon 5 Love!

Q: What do you think of when you hear Maroon 5?
A: One of the greatest pop/rock groups alive!

You may know Maroon 5 from their popular songs 'She will be loved' or 'Misery' and many more. But recently they released a new song called 'Never gonna leave this bed' from their newest album 'Hands all over'. It's one of my favorite songs right now and on repeat all the time!
Not only do I love Maroon 5 for their talent but also because the lead singer Adam Levine is pretty hot, if you want to know what he looks like you can watch their new music video, 'Never gonna leave this bed'. Have fun! xx

I'm never gonna leave this bed,

14 februari 2011

Seventeen Magazine

For those of you that don't know what Seventeen is, this blog post is a MUST to read.
Seventeen is a magazine for teenage girls (just like me!) that writes about fashion, gossip, TV, and so much more typical teenage topics.
I wanted to tell you guys more about this magazine because I just subscribed to it and hopefully ill get my first issue soon. I read my first Seventeen issue when I moved Naperville, Illinois 3 years ago. I loved it so much that I also subscribed to it back then but it canceled when I had to move back to Belgium :(.
Because I miss it a lot I decided to sub
scribe again. :)
I know that not everyone wants to spend money on magazines, and that's why seventeen came up with a solution... They created a website (w
ww.seventeen.com) that is almost as good as the magazine it self. You can read articles on it, do fun quizzes, play games and so much more.
So if I were you, I would che
ck it out very soon... xx

Fashions fade, style is eternal,